Ask people what Veterans Day is about, and many people will likely tell you it’s a day set aside to remember and honor the military men and women, living or dead, who have honorably completed their tour or tours of duty in the United States Armed Forces. Basically, it’s a celebration of past service. However, I think it’s important to point out that in spite of any retirement from military service, the oath sworn by these men and women has no expiration date; and even though they may be honorably discharged from service, they still hold their loyalty to that oath to defend the Constitution of the United States.
Everything I’ve just described is a great and accurate overview of this holiday. But, ask me TODAY, what Veterans Day is…..
[CROWD] Hey, Gene! What do you think Veterans Day means?
I’m so glad you asked!
Today I’m going to tell you that Veterans Day is about celebrating….. the future. You see, if it weren’t for the veterans of our nation’s past, the America we now know and all its freedoms we enjoy would not exist.
In that same vein, our country’s future is also going to be the result of a committed group of men and women willing to fight and defend our continued rights to freedom. It’s the reason why, as we move forward as a nation, we need to incorporate these celebrated people into the very fabric of the USA workforce.
Veterans are by nature disciplined workers with a strong work ethic. They excel in leadership and teamwork. Veterans have finely developed problem-solving skills, and they are known for their commitment and loyalty.
These are the kind of people who are necessary to have a strong foundation….. an unwavering support structure….. the backbone with the strength of a giant redwood that a great nation like the United States must have to remain a dominant force of freedom in a world rocked with fear and terror from those who want to see us fall.
This Veterans Day, yes…. Take the time to thank a veteran for their past service. But, if you are a decision-maker for your company, and you want to add to the value of that company, then always consider hiring a vet or a veteran owned small business. Anyone who can proudly serve their country will be one of the very best investments made for the future growth and success of that company and our nation.