The Extra Mile

By Allen Lyle

This week, Allen shares an historical event that generated the phrase about going the extra mile. Discover how this trait can be to your benefit.


A lesson that I was taught by my father, and one that I have tried to teach to my daughter is whenever anything is asked of you, always give more than is expected. It’s something that should be taking place in both your personal life AND  your professional life. It’s a concept….a way of life….that can be a tremendous benefit to you.

If you asked me to explain this concept in a single pithy saying, it would be this: Always go the extra mile. Now, if you’ve ever been curious as to the origins of that saying, believe it or not, it has its foundation in one of the most famous and revered speeches of all times: The Sermon on the Mount given by Jesus. He said it this way: “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles."

Now, you may not understand that statement, but back then, everyone who heard Him say this knew exactly what He was talking about. You see, during that first century A.D., the Roman Empire was the dominant ruler of most of the known world. There was a statute at that time called the Roman Impressment Law, under which if a Roman soldier passed a Jewish person on the road while traveling, he was well within his rights as a Roman citizen to order that individual to carry all his gear for one mile. So, Jesus was saying to the Jewish crowd gathered on the mountain side to gladly and without question carry it for that mile, but then give more than is expected…… “go an extra mile.”

The reason I have continued to recommend this advice is because doing more than is expected can have several benefits:

  1. It demonstrates your commitment and dedication, setting you apart from those who go out of their way to only meet the minimum requirements.
  2. It builds trust with colleagues, superiors, and clients, making them more likely to call on you for important tasks and projects.
  3. It can provide a sense of personal satisfaction and fulfillment, knowing that you've given your best effort.

We live in a time where so many companies and individuals only have their best interest at heart….who practice self-centeredness. But if you practice going above and beyond….. giving more than is expected….going that extra mile…. it can lead to personal growth, career advancement, and a positive reputation, which ultimately is benefiting to both your professional and your personal life.