Our Top 4 Tips for battling winter home woes.

By Allen Lyle

This week, it’s a scheduled heavyweight bout bigger than Rocky…..Rocky II…..Rocky III…..and…..Not Again, Rocky! Allen takes on the ancient home wrecker known as Old Man Winter with Integrity Adjusters’ Top Four Winterizing Tips.


Time to talk about the Fab Four! No, not THAT Fab Four. I’m talking about our top four to-dos ahead of the oncoming winter that will do its part to, hopefully, keep you comfortable as Old Man Winter arrives for the season.

Even though we are not quite halfway through the Autumn season, the time to start thinking about winterizing your home is right now. If you wait until the temps are sub-arctic to try and solve a problem, you’re too late.


Number One:

Have a trained technician service your furnace. There’s nothing worse than having the temperatures plummet outside only to find out that they’re going to do the same inside because your furnace isn’t operating correctly. Prior to freezing weather, have the furnace tested to make sure it will be able to keep you toasty warm all winter long.

Number Two:

Make sure all exposed pipes have been properly insulated to protect them against a hard freeze and possibly rupture. Burst water pipes can easily cause tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of damage in a very short time. Installing a simple foam insulation sleeve on those pipes is a very inexpensive prevention to that problem. Don’t forget to check the attic, basement, crawlspace, and any exposed exterior water lines.

Number Three:

If you have a wood-burning fireplace and it’s been a while since you had it inspected (or maybe you’ve NEVER had it inspected) find a certified, licensed chimney sweep right away. As time goes by, a tar-like residue called creosote along with chimney soot begins to build up that, if left as is, can become a dangerous fire hazard. Chimney sweeps can remove the hazard, plus it allows your fireplace to have a more efficient burn.

Number Four:

If you have gutters on your home, time to get out the ladder and empty them of any build up of leaves, twigs, dirt, and shingle granules. Any built up debris can cause water to pool and remain in the gutter. Once a freeze comes along, the water in the gutter will freeze and expand, potentially damaging your gutter system or even the eaves of your home. Before you know it, you’ll be faced with a major rot situation costing hundreds if not thousands of dollars to repair.

Winter can be a fun and exciting time for you and your family. Our Fab Four tips will Come Together, help avoid A Hard Day’s Night whether you do all the work yourself or you do it With a Little Help From your Friends.