Mum’s the Word!

By Allen Lyle

As we approach the weekend, particularly this coming Sunday, I would dare venture to say that no one in any family is more uniquely cherished than one’s mother. If we were to look beyond the mere woman who gave us birth, we would see the very IDEA of a mother has permeated an excessive amount of our language and heritage.


As an individual, you have a birth mother, however you can also have an adoptive mother or a foster mother. If you are in a scouting organization, you may have a den mother.

You live on Mother Earth, speak in your mother tongue, and may possibly still dwell in your motherland.

If you make a big fuss over your kids, you’re a mother hen. If you make a fuss over anyone and everyone, you’re compared to Mother Teresa.


If you have a really hungry dog, but nothing in the cupboard to feed him, then you’re Old Mother Hubbard. And, if you once ruled a kingdom but have now stepped down to let your kids take the reins of the reign, then you are the Queen Mother.

If you want an exquisite mineral of décor, you may choose mother of pearl. If you find thousands upon thousands of oysters where you can gather this beautiful mineral, then you have hit the mother lode. Of course, after all the sweat and toil of gathering this mineral, you may find that you have the mother of all headaches.

Whether you’re playing a children’s game or exercising proper manners, you should always say, “Mother may I.”

Often in science fiction movies, we see our planet invaded by dozens, if not hundreds, of alien spacecraft. But no matter how many UFOs invade the planet, we know that somewhere out there is the real danger……. the mothership.


And, finally, it’s true that the technological wonders that have been developed over the last couple of centuries are mind-boggling, but if we’re going to be honest with ourselves, it really should come as no surprise. After all, necessity is the mother of invention.

For me, word play is a lot of fun; and, yes, I could keep on going. Instead, let me shine the spotlight away from the word of the day and focus on the woman of the day: Mom.



Mother’s Day is a time to show our appreciation to the lady who would make any sacrifice for us… The lady who has lost countless hours of sleep because of us… The lady who, in spite of our many flaws and failures, always loves us no matter what.

This weekend, spend some quality time with Mom, whether in person, on the phone, or online. And, if she is no longer with you, find some time to dwell on the memory of this lovely lady, and thank the good Lord above for giving you….and giving you to… your mother.