Labor Day Trivia Challenge!

By Allen Lyle

Gene Williams offers up some mind-tickling trivia as we celebrate Labor Day 2023!


This coming Monday is Labor Day! Are you ready to work? Not at your job, but at our Labor Day Trivia Challenge!

See how many questions you can answer! Are you ready? Here we go!



  1. Labor Day is known as the “unofficial” end of Summer. Of what other season is this holiday known for being the end?
    A. Sandal Season
    B. Hot Dog Season
    C. Fishing Season
    D. Rock Climbing Season

Both Memorial Day and Labor Day are holidays synonymous with grilling, and nearly every one of those grills with sport a few frankfurters. However, hot dog consumption dramatically decreases after Labor Day. The answer is B.


  1. Labor Day is also known as the unofficial BEGINNING of what season?
    A. Crawfish Season
    B. Ice Fishing Season
    C. ATV Season
    D. NFL Season

For the last several decades, over 99% of the time, the first Thursday after Labor Day marks the official kickoff of the NFL. The answer is D.



  1. On Labor Day of 1955, what restaurant chain opened its first establishment?
    A. Waffle House
    B. McDonald’s
    C. Shoney’s
    D. Captain D’s

Opening its doors in Avondale, GA for the first time ever, order some breakfast 24 hours a day at The Waffle House. The answer is A.


  1. What was the first U.S. state to recognize Labor Day as an official holiday?
    A. New York
    B. California
    C. Pennsylvania
    D. Oregon

While there is an ongoing debate on who came up with the idea, there’s no denial that Oregon was the first state to recognize Labor Day as an official holiday. The answer is D.


  1. Labor Day was celebrated before there was a U.S. Department of Labor.
    A. True
    B. False

The Department of Labor was founded on March 4, 1913. The first Labor Day was celebrated on September 5, 1882.


  1. In June of 2023, what was the average hourly wage of U.S. employees?
    A. $27.93
    B. $33.58
    C. $39.21
    D. $42.15

According to data gathered by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls has risen to $33.58.


  1. Approximately how many hot dogs are consumed in the U.S. between Memorial Day and Labor Day?
    A. 500 million
    B. 785 million
    C. 2 billion
    D. 7 billion

Hope you’re hungry, because from the beginning of May to the beginning of September, Americans will put away close to 7 billion hot dogs!


  1. What is the largest labor union in the U.S. today?
    A. SEIU (Service Employees International Union)
    B. IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers)
    C. NEA (National Education Association)
    D. SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild & American Federation of Television and Radio Artists)

Notice the AFL-CIO is not listed, because its’ over 12 million members are a combination of unions. The top single union is the NEA with 3 million members, answer C. However, it may not be much longer before the SEIU overtakes them as they have 2 million members and growing.


  1. Toward the end of the COVID pandemic in 2022, how many employees worked from home?
    A. 17 million
    B. 2 million
    C. 3 million
    D. 6 million

By the end of 2022, it is estimated that 4.3 million people were still doing their daily jobs, but from the comfort of home. The answer is C.


  1. Over an average lifetime, how many hours will a U.S.

          employee work?

       A. 39,000 Hours
       B. 90,000 Hours

       C. 103,400 Hours

       D. 152,000 Hours

You would have to work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, non-stop for more than 6 years. The answer is B. 90,000 work hours.


How did you do? Hope it wasn’t too much of a labor!

As we celebrate this holiday weekend, we want to say a big Thank You to the American workforce for all the hard work they do.

And from all of us here at Integrity Adjusters, we wish you a very Happy Labor Day!