Integrity Adjusters 2023 Halloween Tips

By Allen Lyle

This week, Gene has gone to the dogs! Really! This week, as we prepare for the ghosts and goblins of Halloween, make sure your dog is being considered! It’s not always fun and games with your canines. 


Halloween is upon us! You may be excited about things that go bump in the night, but you also need to be aware that many of those things are unwanted, especially when it comes to your home insurance. During Halloween, there is always a spike in claims due to fire, theft, vandalism, and injuries. One particular cause of injuries is dog bites. Every year, there are between 17-thousand and 18-thousand dog bite claims, with reports always increasing during Halloween. These are costly, too. In 2022 alone, dog bite and dog-related injury claims cost the insurance industry over 1.3 billion dollars!

Unusual sights and sounds along with the constant ringing of the doorbell can be highly stressful to even the calmest of dogs; so, to keep both your dog and the trick-or-treaters safe this Halloween, here are our Top Five Tips to prevent doggie doorbell disasters.

  1. Sit outside with your candy to keep trick-or-treaters from knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell.
  2. Even if you have a fenced yard, keep your dog indoors before night falls, but keep them in a closed room or in their crates where they feel safe. This also keeps them from bolting for the door and running outside whenever a new goblin shows up looking for a sugary handout.
  3. Provide distractions in the form of toys or treats. Interactive toys and puzzle feeders can be especially helpful.
  4. Prior to any Halloween activities, give your dog a good, long walk or play session to help them release excess energy.
  5. In the event they do break free, make sure your pet is wearing its tag with their current ID. Seriously consider having them microchipped and registered prior to the holiday to help reunite you if they do get out and get lost.

Remember, even the calmest pet can become aggressive in the face of scary sights and sounds. So, avoid the stress, and problems that accompany it, by taking advantage of these terrific trick-or-treat tips.