Communication is the Key

By Allen Lyle

Take a look at any business, industry, organization or even any relationship, and at the very core of its success (or failure) is the ability to effectively communicate. Just like our national transportation system, the lines of communication travel in multiple directions and can be as broad as a 5-lane interstate or narrow as a country lane. If the flow of communication is restricted or stopped, regardless of the reason, that’s when trouble begins.

There are numerous examples to pull from, but this article will deal exclusively with communication between the independent adjuster and the IA firm. Throughout the life of a claim, there will be milestones to honor…timelines to meet…and keeping each other informed of the progress is paramount to achieving a successful closing of that claim. When delays happen, the IA firm must be made aware of the reasons why. As an independent adjuster, you have contractually agreed to be the eyes and ears of both the IA firm and the carrier. Part of that responsibility includes updating diaries on a regular basis, sometimes daily. It means documenting the reasons an inspection can’t be scheduled in a timely manner or why there is any delay in uploading a final report and estimate. It means being the communication liaison between the insured and the carrier by relaying pertinent information to the IA firm in the form of narratives and preliminary reports.

Likewise, when an independent adjuster suddenly switches to radio silent mode, the IA firm must reach out by all means necessary to extract the needed information in order to maintain a respect for the insured’s time, or in order to preserve the relationship between the IA firm and the carrier. Don’t view the repeated phone calls, voice mails and emails from an IA firm as any type of harassment. Sure, they’re looking after the interest of the carrier and the insured, but they’re also looking out for YOUR best interest, too. Creating a reliable reputation helps ensure a continued partnership with the carrier, and that kind of partnership ensures continued work for you, the independent adjuster!

When you have an important trip to make, you want to reach that destination with the least amount of hassle possible. Most people don’t want to make that trip on a roadway filled with potholes, detours, blocked intersections or dead ends. Always keep the lines of communication open and take a positive view of the communication being sent your way from IA firms as their way of bolstering your job security. Become the “go-to” adjuster of every IA firm you represent by being the person they can always count on to be consistent, accurate, hit the industry standard milestones, AND keep them informed of every mile a claim travels until it reaches its final destination.