The Loch Ness Monster and Silver Linings

The profession of “Claims Adjuster” could easily be categorized as unusual… apart from the norm… not your typical 9-5. Throughout the year, we respond to and interact with people who have undergone (more often than not) strenuous and emotional ordeals. In an earlier post, I wrote about the importance of having empathy when dealing with…

Accountability in Relationships

During a trip just northeast of Birmingham, AL Gene Williams takes to the railroad to share an important thought on accountability.

A Formula for Overhead Success

As an independent adjuster, over the years I’ve seen some absolutely crazy examples of the brutality of Mother Nature. Hurricanes, tornadoes, fire, flood…they’re all disasters in their own right. Searching for the right materials to BEAT Mother Nature at her own game has been the goal of manufacturers for years. I think one of the…

Crossing Software Boundaries

When I was a much younger man, I had a fascination with foreign languages. I imagined being able to converse fluently in Spanish or French within a matter of a few months. Of course, in order to do that, I would have to commit to learning and apply myself to a strict study regimen. Easy…

The Answer is Blowing in the Wind

One of my continuing goals through these articles is from time-to-time discuss both existing and newly-developed tech designed to aid the independent adjuster. Frankly, if something exists that can make my life (or in this case, my job) easier and less stressful, then I’m all in. It blows my mind for an adjuster to turn…