When is a Leader Not a Leader?

Ask most people who know me….and I mean REALLY know me, and they’re likely to tell you that I am very firm in my beliefs. I think that’s their way of saying I’m stubborn and hard-headed.  However, I also know there is a huge difference in being on the straight & narrow path and being…

Choosing Your Words to Define Your Actions

Today I thought I might traverse the boundaries between language, morals and spirituality. In the last 15 years, I’ve noticed a disturbing increase in the amount of unscrupulous and downright unethical actions of individuals within the insurance claims arena in attempts to justify making a profit via a loss. Sometimes it’s an insured being “opportunistic”…

Say What?

The proliferation of social media use in the past few years has really been an eye-opener for me in that it has put a glaring spotlight on the horrendous spelling and grammar errors committed by its users. At what point did the school system stop teaching the differences between there, their, and they’re? How about…

The Loch Ness Monster and Silver Linings

The profession of “Claims Adjuster” could easily be categorized as unusual… apart from the norm… not your typical 9-5. Throughout the year, we respond to and interact with people who have undergone (more often than not) strenuous and emotional ordeals. In an earlier post, I wrote about the importance of having empathy when dealing with…

Accountability in Relationships

During a trip just northeast of Birmingham, AL Gene Williams takes to the railroad to share an important thought on accountability.