What’s In the Box?

As a kid, I remember what a special treat it was when Mom or Dad came home with a box of Cracker Jack. In fact, I can still quote the very last line of the Cracker Jack jingle:                                  …

More Than Just A Thank You

I wanted to take a moment on this Veterans Day to do my best to go beyond an insufficient “Thank You” to all our nation’s veterans who have served and sacrificed to protect my freedoms. I have never personally served in any of the military branches, but have family members who have, including an uncle…

A Salute to Our Veterans

U.S. Congressman Bradley Byrne stops by to chat with Gene about his appreciation for our nation’s veterans.

Hey There, Stud

I love quoting movie lines. If you want to see my wife roll her eyes faster than Roadrunner leaving Wile E. Coyote in the dust, then just get me started on quotes from The Princess Bride or Airplane.                     “Johnny, what can you make of this?”…

Habitual Offenders

Several years ago, I remember doing some research into habits – both good and bad. I found it highly interesting that it takes, on average, three times longer to form a good habit than it does to break a bad one. The actual timeframe varies depending on the particular habit, the behavior of the person…