Hooked On a Feeling

Recently, I was speaking with a field adjuster who was bemoaning the fact that he was dealing with several claims that had a wind exclusion endorsement written into the policy. It seems a large percentage of the homes he inspected had homeowners who claimed to be unaware their losses were not covered. He asked how do you approach the subject gracefully? Responses have, thus far, been catapulting across an emotional gamut. First of all, the most important factor to consider is whether or not you, as an independent adjuster, have been cleared by the carrier to deny coverage. While it’s…

Is Giving 110% Even Possible?

When I was in school, my parents told me, “Always give it 110%.” When I played football, the coach at some point in time gave a pep talk that included, “Give every game 110%.” At work, we’re often admonished by management to “give this project 110% of your efforts.” To be honest, I’ve always questioned that reasoning. I mean, isn’t 100% the ceiling? The cap? The top measure? To say otherwise is simply math that doesn’t add up. Not long ago, this mathematical problem began making the rounds on the internet. You would think math is the universal language and,…

Communication is the Key

Take a look at any business, industry, organization or even any relationship, and at the very core of its success (or failure) is the ability to effectively communicate. Just like our national transportation system, the lines of communication travel in multiple directions and can be as broad as a 5-lane interstate or narrow as a country lane. If the flow of communication is restricted or stopped, regardless of the reason, that’s when trouble begins. There are numerous examples to pull from, but this article will deal exclusively with communication between the independent adjuster and the IA firm. Throughout the life…

Signing Up on Multiple Rosters

It’s not uncommon for an independent adjuster to be on the roster of several IA firms. In fact, it’s standard operating procedure. Getting your name in the rotation with several firms provides the greater opportunity to have year-round work and not rely solely on CAT events. Create the reputation for being reliable, dependable, accurate & detail-oriented and you will be on the top of the “go-to” list for those rosters. The problem, though, comes when you start getting more claims than you can handle without compromising either the carriers’ deadlines or the quality of your work. Suddenly, good-ol’-dependable-top-of-the-list adjuster has…