Be A Servant Leader

By Allen Lyle
Gene has been a long-time advocate of being a servant leader; but, just what does that mean? This week take a moment to understand how this important concept will set you and your career apart from the crowd.


You may have heard me reference the fact that we strive to engage in and promote being a servant leader. I can understand where that may be a confusing term to some, so let me try to explain this concept.

Being a servant leader is a type of philosophy that emphasizes the priority of serving the needs of others before your own interests. When the person who practices this philosophy is in a leadership role, then that individual is considering the needs of team members, employees, or the community. That leader is committed to helping others grow and succeed.

One of the major characteristics, particularly as a leader, is the ability to guide employees or team members toward their goals using friendly persuasion as opposed to coercion. Strong arm tactics and shaming is never used.

Servant leaders lead by example, demonstrating the values and behaviors they hope to see and foster from their team members. In other words, a “Do as I say, and not as I do” action should never be observed from a servant leader.

A servant leader is also an active listener and should show genuine concern for others. Even though as the leader they are in control, they still value the input from others and diligently seek to encourage their participation.

Why do I believe so strongly in this leadership method? Because servant leadership is often associated with increased employee satisfaction, higher team morale, and improved organizational performance. Plus, I believe it will help create a more positive and empowering leadership within our community, something I think we can all agree that we need more of.