Disconnect To Re-Connect

A new series from Allen Lyle. In this 30-second snippet, Allen discusses the need to disconnect in order to re-connect with each other.

Integrity Thanks

Some of the Integrity Team share their own personal thanks during the holiday season.

A Thanksgiving History Lesson

Integrity Adjusters Quality Control File Review Manager Daryl Deakle shares some historical nuggets about the Thanksgiving holiday.

Idioms, Idiots and Ideas…Oh, My!

Language is a very powerful tool. The strength of a single word can create or destroy empires. How many times have we seen a celebrity or politician toppled from their pedestals due to a misspoken word that was caught on-camera or microphone? Today, let’s take a look at the basics of some of our language,…

Navigating Life’s Highway

Carrie Underwood asks that “Jesus, Take the Wheel” in one of her songs. My advice is to keep your hands on the wheel, but take directions from the One who should be doing all the navigation!